Tracking Package Deployments
  • 27 Feb 2023
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Tracking Package Deployments

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Article Summary

The Package Deployments feature records package deployment information (such as the target and user) from tools such as BuildMaster and OctopusDeploy, and provides you with a package-centric view of deployments.

This feature allows you to determine exactly which package versions were deployed, when, by whom, with which tool, and so on. This simplifies the auditing process by keeping clear records directly in ProGet. It also helps you quickly find vulnerable servers when a known vulnerability is identified: The feature in ProGet shows all servers running a particular package so you can quickly make updates.

There are no restrictions on this feature in the Free edition of ProGet. Package deployment records can be found, once configured, in the "History" tab on the Package Overview page.

Custom Records

Consumers of any package type may customize the Feed API GET request with the following HTTP headers:

  • X-ProGet-Deployment-Application - (Required) the application or tool doing the deployment e.g., NuGet, BuildMaster, Some Custom Tool
  • X-ProGet-Deployment-Description - (Required) brief summary of deployment
  • X-ProGet-Deployment-Target - (Required) string that identifies where the package was installed, typically the server name
  • X-ProGet-Deployment-Url - (Optional) URL that links to more information about the deployment
  • X-ProGet-Deployment-UserName - (Optional) name of the user performing the deployment, defaults to authenticated user
  • X-ProGet-Deployment-Date - (Optional) ISO 8601 UTC date of deployment, or current date if not supplied

Package Deployment API

If you are using a tool other than BuildMaster or OctopusDeploy to deploy your packages, you can use the Package Deployment API to extend this feature in ProGet and add deployment records from other tools.

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