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PyPI (Python)

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

The Python Package Index (PyPI) is the main repository for software and libraries written in the Python programming language. Since version 5.2, ProGet supports the creation of PyPI feeds to host and deploy custom Python software packages.

Installing Packages

PyPI packages are installed using pip. To install a package from a ProGet feed, use the following command:

pip install {package-name}=={package-version} -i http://{proget-server}/pypi/{feed-name}/simple 

Authenticated Feeds

If you've configured your feed to require authentication, there are two ways that pip can be configured to include authentication; basic authentication passed with the URL in the pip install command or by configuing a pip config file.

Using `pip install` With a URL Parameter

To pass basic authentication along with the URL in the pip install command, you will need to add a --trusted-host parameter containing your ProGet host and insert the username and password into the begining of your URL. The pip install command would look like this:

pip install {package-name}=={package-version} --trusted-host {proget-server} -i https://{user-name}:{password}@{proget-server}/pypi/{feed-name}/simple 

For example, if you are installing Flask 2.3.3 from a ProGet feed with the endpoint, your command would look like this:

pip install flask==2.3.3 --trusted-host -i https://MyUserName:MyPassword123!@{

If you are using an API key, you will need to use api for the username:

pip install flask==2.3.3 --trusted-host -i https://api:MyApiKey123!@{
Using a pip Config
To configure pip to use a [pip config]( file to store the authenticated feed, you will need use the [pip config]( command. ``` pip config --global set global.index-url https://{user-name}:{password}@{proget-server}/pypi/{feed-name}/simple pip config --global set global.trusted-host {proget-server} ```

These commands will generate a pip config file that looks like:

index-url = https://{user-name}:{password}@{proget-server}/pypi/{feed-name}/simple
trusted-host = {proget-server}

Creating Packages

To learn how to create a package that can be hosted by ProGet, visit the Packaging Python Projects tutorial.

Publishing Packages


PyPI packages are pushed to ProGet using twine. To push a package to a ProGet feed, use the following command:

twine upload -u {user-name} -p {password} --repository-url http://{proget-server}/pypi/{feed-name}/legacy <dist>


PyPI packages may be published to ProGet with cURL using the following syntax:

curl https://{proget-server}/pypi/{feed-name}/upload/<packageName-version.tar.gz> --user <user>:<password> --upload-file <packageName-version.tar.gz>

Connector Technical Limitations (ProGet 2024)

Most PyPI repositories do not provide a user interface and are not designed to be searched or browsed, which makes their display in ProGet challenging. Specifically:

Package Searching

  • PyPI repositories do not support searching. However, you can still navigate to a specific package page by typing the exact name in the search box.
  • When possible, ProGet displays a default list of packages in a feed sorted by download count. For PyPI connectors, ProGet instead uses the RSS feed which is provided by to expose the latest package uploads. repositories

  • implements a JSON API that provides some extra metadata for packages (such as a readme file), but most other repositories do not have this
  • Very basic information can be browsed in the ProGet UI if you know the exact name of the package, but this should primarily be used as a proxy instead of browsed directly

Technical Limitations (ProGet 2023)

  • ProGet only supports searching package name and summary fields via the XML-RPC API (implemented by, other use cases of this API are not supported by ProGet
  • Connectors to other PyPI feeds require the PyPI JSON API to be implemented (both ProGet and support this)
  • Package names are generally normalized (as per the PEP503 specs), but packages where versions only differ by - and _ (e.g. my-package 1.0 and my_package 1.1) aren't properly listed under my-package. In addition, UI-based searching does not treat _ and - the same

If these limitations are more than minor inconveniences, please let us know so we can figure out how to fix them.