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Docker Terminology & Concepts

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

While Docker users rarely need to worry about implementation details, they can become important when managing and troubleshooting a private Docker registry.

Below is a brief guide that will familiarize you with the basic terminology and concepts of Docker.

Registry; a registry is a Docker feed in ProGet, but in general it's a server that hosts Docker repositories and associated metadata. and are also registries.

Repository; a repository is contained in a registry and is basically just the name of a container and a collection of tags. It's something like a package name. For example, inedo/proget and dotnet/core are repository names, but don't refer to a specific image.

Image; an image, or container image, is what many people think of when they say "container". The Docker client downloads images from a repository and runs an image as a container. Behind the scenes, an image is comprised of a manifest and a set of layers described in that manifest.

Layer; a layer is a .tar archive file (like a .zip file) that represents a "file system snapshot". Extracting a number of layers on top of each other (i.e. in the same directory) gives the file system used by a container.

When you use Docker Client to create a container image, each command generates a new snapshot. Before running a container image, Docker Client assembles all the layer files to create the file system.

Layers can be stored in the registry (as blob) or as url. Many Windows-based images use url-based layers, perhaps for licensing reasons.

Blob; blobs are the low-level storage mechanism in a registry, and they're basically just files without a name. Instead of using filenames, blobs are accessed by their digest (hash). This means that humans can't really work with blobs, and you need a tag or a manifest to reference them in a meaningful way.

Blobs are used to store layers (.tar files) and container configuration files (.json files). In Docker v1, blobs were used to store manifests (.json files), but these are now stored separately.

Digest (hash); digest and hash are generally synonymous in Docker terminology, and both refer to the SHA256-based hash of a blob. It's effectively the "filename" of a blob - but since it's automatically generated by the contents of the file, it can never be changed.

Tag; this is the way container images in a repository are accessed by humans. Essentially, it's a human-readable alias of the digest (hash) of a manifest. Tags aren't part of the image metadata itself, they're simply a label provided by the repository hosting the corresponding images (be it the Docker client's local repository, Docker Hub, ProGet, etc.).

For example, the tags inedo/proget:5.3.1 and inedo/proget:5.3.2-ci.4 would point to these container images.

A tag is formatted with two parts («image-name»:«tag»), which can be a bit confusing because the second part of the tag is also called a tag. As such, "tag" (an alias of a manifest's digest) and "tag" (the second part of a tag) are often used interchangeably.

In practice, tags (manifest digest aliases) are «image-name»:«version-like-string», and the «version-like-string» can convention-driven words (like latest or latest-v6) or semantic versions.

Manifest. A manifest is a JSON document that lists all layers of the image, which can be either blobs or URLs. It may contain the digest for a container configuration file in a "config" element.

Like everything else in Docker, manifests can only be found via a digest (hash), even if they are not blobs. In practice, manifests are referenced by a tag that provides the required digest.

Container configuration file. This is a JSON document stored as a blob and referenced via the "config" element of an image manifest. It's generated by the Docker client at build time and contains metadata used to run the image, such as environment variables, open ports, operating system, etc.

Container configuration files are optional, and not all container images use them.

Manifest list (fat manifest). A manifest list is a type of "virtual" image that allows users to reference multiple container images for different architectures (e.g. AMD/Intel x64 or ARM, etc.) with a single tag.

A manifest list is a JSON document that lists other image manifests, along with their architectures. For example, the hypothetical tag fatimg/java-jdk:5.2.1 could refer to a manifest list instead of a manifest. In this case, the Docker client would search the list for a compatible architecture (e.g. x64) and then follow the digest to find the manifest file, and then start assembling the image.

Dockerfile is a code file written in a proprietary programming language. It's processed by the Docker client to create an image by creating file system snapshots after each command (these become layers) and then building a manifest and a container configuration file.