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Service Administration

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

The ProGet Service is key component of ProGet's architecture, and performs a variety of background tasks such as health checks, replication, vulnerability scanning, and package cleanup. It's a standard Windows Service Application, and may be managed and configured using the Windows Service Manager or sc.exe as you see fit.

Service Configuration

By default, the ProGet Service is named INEDOPROGETSVC, runs under the NetworkService account, and is granted Read, Write, ListDirectory privileges to the following paths, as defined in Advanced Settings:

  • Extensions.CommonCachePath
  • Extensions.ExtensionsPath
  • Storage.PackagesRootPath

Managing the Service from the Web Application

In addition to stopping, starting, and restarting (on Windows only) the ProGet Service, you can see the service's live logs; this may be helpful when diagnosing problems or working with Inedo's support team to track down unexpected behavior or bugs. On the .NET 5 based Docker image, there is also an option to reload the extensions without the need to restart the service.

Task Runners

Task runners run well-defined background jobs, on either a periodic and/or manual basis. Many will create sub-tasks that allow you to better visualize what the service is doing. Some task runners can be manually triggered. This should only be needed in debugging purposes, as the Web Application will trigger them in response to certain actions (such as adding a connector), and they are always executed on service start.

Name Description
Proxy Configuration Monitor updates service proxy settings when proxy configuration is changed; this runs every 16 minutes
Drop Path Monitor checks configured drop paths for new packages, processes them, and adds them to the appropriate feed; this runs periodically, as defined by the Service.DropPathMonitorExecuterThrottle (60 seconds by default)
Scheduled Job Dispatcher monitors the database for scheduled jobs that need to be run, such as retention policy execution, and creates an execution to run them; this runs every 16 minutes
Execution Dispatcher monitors the database for executions that are ready to run, and creates a sub-task to run them; this runs periodically, as defined by the Service.ExecutionDispatcherThrottle advanced configuration setting (15 seconds by default)
Connector Health Check verifies connectivity with connectors and attempts to determine how many packages each one exposes; this runs every hour
Feed Replication performs client-based replication for all configured feeds; this runs periodically, as defined by the Service.FeedReplicationExecuterThrottle (60 seconds by default)
Docker Upload Cleanup deletes orphaned partial uploads of Docker blobs; this runs every 16 minutes
Connector Cache Check purges old cached connector metadata and refreshes cached metadata for queries that are frequently used; this runs periodically, as defined by the Service.MetadataCacheCheckExecuterThrottle (5 minutes by default)
Multipart Upload Cleanup terminates unfinished multipart asset uploads so that partial files will be deleted during feed cleanup; this runs every 16 minutes
Package/Container Scanner collects information about package/container usage from an external system, as defined by the Service.PackageContainerScannerThrottle (60 minutes by default)
Failover Detection when running in a High Availability configuration, detects failover conditions and ensures task runners are running on another server. Configurable on the Cluster Management page (ProGet 5.3.16+)
Service Heartbeat periodically pings the ProGet database to verify connectivity every 5 minutes

Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled jobs are often resource-intensive jobs that are run on a user-definable schedule. They are are either associated with a particular feed, or for the whole system.

You cannot create scheduled jobs, but you can disable and change their schedule from the Administration > Scheduled Tasks page using the Quartz Cron Syntax.

Name Scope Description
ExecutionLogRetention system purges execution logs; default schedule is 0 0 0 * * ? (nightly at 12:00AM)
FeedCleanup feed runs user-defined retention rules on the associated feed; default schedule is 0 0 2 * * ? (nightly at 02:00AM)
UpdateChecker system checks for ProGet updates; default schedule is 0 0 0 ? * SUN (Sundays at 12:00AM)
VulnerabilityDownloader system downloads and scans feeds for vulnerabilities; default schedule is 0 0 2 * * ? (nightly at 02:00AM)
BuildMavenFeedIndex feed generates a nexus-maven-repository-index.gz against the associated feed; default schedule is 0 0 2 * * ? (nightly at 02:00AM)
FullMavenConnectorIndex feed downloads and processes nexus-maven-repository-index.gz from remote connectors for Maven feeds; default schedule is 0 0 2 ? * SUN (Sundays at 02:00AM)
DockerGarbageCollection system cleans up orphaned bobs and multipart uploads; default schedule is 0 0 0 * * ? (nightly at 12:00AM)

You can stagger these jobs as needed during off-peak hours to ensure minimal disruption, or even disable them and run them manually.

ProGet.Service.exe CLI

The ProGet.Service.exe also contains a command line interface (CLI) to reset the admin account, manage the integrated web server, manually install the service, and can be run interactively for debugging purposes.

The CLI commands are:

Command Description
run Runs the ProGet service and/or the ProGet web server interactively.
install Installs the ProGet service as a Windows service.
installweb Installs the ProGet integrated web server as a Windows service.
uninstall Uninstalls the ProGet Windows service.
uninstallweb Uninstalls the ProGet integrated web server Windows service.
listreservations Displays the URL reservations in the system.
reserveurls Reserves one or more URLs with HTTP.SYS.
deletereservations Deletes one or more URL reservations.
resetadminpassword Switches to the built-in user directory and changes the Admin account password to "Admin".