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Variables Management

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

API Usage

All of these endpoints require that an API key with Variables Management access be passed with each request. The examples use a query string for simplicity, but you could also use a header, a form value, or a JSON property. See Using API Keys for more information.

Data Specification

This endpoint sends and receives as JSON objects.

Variable Value Strings

If a variable value string starts with a `, @(, %(, then the value will be evaluated as a literal_expression (see formal grammar), which means you'll need to treat the value as a proper string literal, and escape $ and other characters if you don't want them expanded into variables at runtime, otherwise this will cause an error when they can't expand.

Variables Object

This represents a set of configuration variables associated with a single scope, such as global, a server, or an environment. It is simply an object with variable names and values as properties. The value can be either a string, or an object with two properties:

  • value - a string value of the variable's value itself
  • sensitive - a boolean to indicate a sensitive variable that's obscured from casual viewing in the UI
  • evaluate - a boolean to indicate whether variables should be expanded when reading the value (available in BuildMaster 2022.14+)

Basic Variables

    "installation-path": "/var/hdars/service",
    "dameon-name": "hdars-service"

Other Types

    "license-key": { "value": "5208153R-YXYUYK-S1CUAC-NA3SM2V3-A8QW", "sensitive": true },
    "listen-ports": "@(8088,8089,8090)",
    "license-key-file": "\`license:$license-key\`norganization:kramerica"

Empty Variables


Scoped Variable Object

This represents a single variable/value associated with zero or more scopes, such as a global, a server, or a multi-scoped server+ environment variable.

Property Format
name A string value of the variable name
value A string value of the variable value
sensitive A boolean to indicate a sensitive variable that's obscured from casual viewing in the UI
evaluate A boolean to indicate whether variables should be expanded when reading the value (available in BuildMaster 2022.14+)
server A string value of the name of the server that the variable is associated with, or null if it's not associated
role A string value of the name of the role that the variable is associated with, or null if it's not associated
environment A string value of the name of the environment that the variable is associated with, or null if it's not associated
application A string value of the name of the application that the variable is associated with, or null if it's not associated
application-group A string value of the name of the application-group that the variable is associated with, or null if it's not associated

Endpoint Specifications

Entity Configuration Variables

These endpoints get and set one or all configuration variables for a specific entity, which is identified by a entity-type (either server, role, application, application-group, or environment) and name.

Get All Configuration Variables on Entity

GET /api/variables/«entity-type»/«entity-name»?key=«api-key»

Returns a status of 200 and a body with the variables object for the specified entity.

This may also return a status of 400 (invalid entity type), 403 (invalid key), 404 (entity not found), as well as an error message as the body.

Set All Configuration Variables on Entity

POST or PUT /api/variables/«entity-type»/«entity-name»?key=«api-key»

Updates all configuration variables for the specified entity with the variables/values specified as a variables object in the request body; note that this will also delete variables not specified in the object.

On success, a status of 200 and empty body is returned. Otherwise, a status of 400 (invalid entity type or variables object), 403 (invalid key), 404 (entity not found) is returned with an error message as the body.

Get Single Configuration Variable on Entity

GET /api/variables/«entity-type»/«entity-name»/«variable-name»?key=«api-key»

Returns the value of the specified configuration variable on the specified entity in the body, as well as a status of 200.

This may also return a status of 400 (invalid entity type), 403 (invalid key), 404 (entity or variable not found), as well as an error message as the body.

Set Single Configuration Variable on Entity

POST or PUT /api/variables/«entity-type»/«entity-name»/«variable-name»?key=«api-key»

Sets the specified configuration variable, either by creating a new variable or updating an existing one, on the specified entity with the value specified in the request body; note that you cannot use this endpoint to set the sensitive indicator, only a value. When a configuration variable is created, it is not classified as sensitive; when it is updated, it retains the same sensitivity indicator.

On success, a status of 200 and empty body is returned. Otherwise, a status of 400 (invalid entity type), 403 (invalid key), 404 (entity not found) is returned with an error message as the body.

Delete Single Configuration Variable on Entity

DELETE /api/variables/«entity-type»/«entity-name»/«variable-name»?key=«api-key»

Deletes the specified configuration variable if it exists on the specified entity, returning a status of 200 and empty body. Otherwise, a status of 400 (invalid entity type) or 403 (invalid key) is returned with an error message as the body.

Release and Build Configuration Variables

These endpoints get and set one or all configuration variables for a specific release or build. The operation and behavior are identical to the above Entity Configuration Variables endpoints, except instead of «entity-type»/«entity-name» in the URL, the following are used for releases and builds, respectively:

  • releases/«application-name»/«release-number»
  • builds/«application-name»/«release-number»/«build-number»

For example, to Delete a Single Configuration Variable on a release, the following pattern is used.

DELETE /api/variables/releases/«application-name»/«release-number»/«variable-name»?key=«api-key»

Global Configuration Variables

These endpoints get and set one or all global (unscoped) configuration variables.

Get All Global Configuration Variables

GET /api/variables/global?key=«api-key»

Returns a status of 200 and a body with the variables object for all global variables.

This may also return a status of 403 (invalid key) as well as an error message as the body.

Set All Global Configuration Variables

POST or PUT /api/variables/global?key=«api-key»

Updates all global configuration variables with the variables/values specified as a variables object in the request body; note this will also delete variables not specified in the object.

On success, a status of 200 and empty body is returned. Otherwise, a status of 403 (invalid key) is returned with an error message as the body.

Get Single Global Configuration Variables

GET /api/variables/global/«variable-name»?key=«api-key»

Returns the value of the specified global configuration variable in the body, as well as a status of 200.

This may also return a status of 403 (invalid key) or 404 (variable not found), as well as an error message as the body.

Set Single Global Configuration Variable

POST or PUT /api/variables/global/«variable-name»?key=«api-key»

Sets the specified global configuration variable, either by creating a new variable or updating an existing one, with the value specified in the request body; note that you cannot set the sensitivity indicator with this endpoint, only a value. When a configuration variable is created, it is not classified as sensitive; when it is updated, it keeps the same sensitivity indicator.

On success, a status of 200 and empty body is returned. Otherwise, a status 403 (invalid key) is returned with an error message as the body.

Delete Single Global Configuration Variables

DELETE /api/variables/global/«variable-name»?key=«api-key»

Deletes the specified global configuration variable if it exists, returning a status of 200 and empty body. Otherwise, a status of 403 (invalid key) is returned with an error message as the body.

All Configuration Variables

These endpoints get and set one or all configuration variables using scoped variables objects, which is primarily useful in dealing with multi-scoped variables. Otherwise, it's a bit more complicated to use than the other endpoints, and might lead towards accidentally deleting variables or creating unwanted multi-scoped variables.

Get All Configuration Variables

GET /api/variables/scoped/all?key=«api-key»

Returns a status of 200 and a body with an array of scoped variable objects for all configuration variables in the system.

This may also return a status of 403 (invalid key), as well as an error message as the body.

Set All Configuration Variables

POST or PUT /api/variables/scoped/all?key=«api-key»

Sets all configuration variables in the system using the array of scoped variable objects in the request body; note this will also delete variables not specified in the object.

On success, a status of 200 and empty body is returned. Otherwise, a status of 403 (invalid key) is returned with an error message as the body.

Set Single Configuration Variable

POST or PUT /api/variables/scoped/single?key=«api-key»

Sets the a configuration variable, either by creating a new variable or updating an existing one with the same name and scoping, using the scoped variable object in the body.

On success, a status of 200 and empty body is returned. Otherwise, a status 400 (invalid object) or 403 (invalid key) is returned with an error message as the body.

Delete Single Configuration Variable

DELETE /api/variables/scoped/single?key=«api-key»

Deletes the a configuration variable if it exists with a name and scope matching the scoped variable object in the body, returning a status of 200 and empty body. Otherwise, a status of 400 (invalid object) or 403 (invalid key) is returned with an error message as the body.