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Deploying an IIS Website

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

Internet Information Services, commonly referred to as IIS, is Microsoft's web server technology. IIS is an optional installable component and is typically used to host various types of web applications, from static HTML to ASP.NET.

An application served by IIS generally consists of three basic components:

  • Site – the logical unit of a website as a whole that contains configuration options for the home directory (i.e., where the web application files reside), security, logging, and more
  • Application pool – a worker process that serves requests that may be shared with other sites
  • Binding – the hostname and/or IP address used to access the site

IIS also supports virtual directories that are frequently used as a deployment target. A virtual directory is effectively a subfolder of a website that has a completely different home directory than its parent site.

Building Sites for IIS

IIS supports a variety of development platforms, from static HTML to ASP.NET, and there are many ways you can use these platforms to build applications for IIS in BuildMaster.

See Building an ASP.NET Web Application, as well as NodeJS, PHP, and Python for some examples.

Deploying IIS Websites

IIS websites are typically deployed in two stages. As a pre-requisite for new websites, the three basic components described earlier must exist on the server, whether installed manually by operations personnel, or automated by a configuration management tool like Otter, Chef, Puppet, etc. For smaller organizations whose dev and ops teams aren't siloed in such a manner, BuildMaster can just as easily be configured to provision these sites as well.

Once the site infrastructure exists on a server, website build artifacts may be repeatedly deployed as long as:

  • The application pool is stopped to prevent conflicts (or an app_offline.htm file is present in the home directory).
  • The files are deployed to a different directory and the home directory is swapped at the site level (see Blue/Green deployment)

Automating IIS Deployment with BuildMaster

Although there are several methods for deploying to IIS, we recommend deploying IIS applications using the following general pattern:

  • Stop the application pool (IIS::Stop-AppPool operation)
  • Deploy the build artifact to the home directory
  • Start the application pool (IIS::Start-AppPool operation)

This group of operations can be performed on any server configured in BuildMaster. BuildMaster can interact with remote servers through agents. To specify which server to deploy the website to, use a for server block in the OtterScript plan, or as a best practice, specify a target server in the pipeline stage target.

An example BuildMaster plan that deploys a website to IIS on a remote server is:

for server us-west-web-01
    IIS::Stop-AppPool HDarsAppPool();
    Deploy-Artifact Website
        To: D:\Websites\HDarsSite
    IIS::Start-AppPool HDarsAppPool();

Using the operations is basically the same as running appcmd.exe in PowerShell with the following arguments:

PS D:\Websites\HDarsSite> appcmd.exe stop apppool -name:"HDarsAppPool"
PS D:\Websites\HDarsSite> Expand-Archive -Path "E:\Artifacts\"
PS D:\Websites\HDarsSite> appcmd.exe start apppool -name:"HDarsAppPool"

Additionally, there is an IIS::Ensure-AppPool operation that can be used. It has two minor differences from the above control operations:

  • the ensure operation is designed for Configuration Management (i.e., Otter)
  • the ensure operation does not "wait for completion" on control operations (i.e., if you stop an application pool, the ensure operation will not wait until it is fully stopped)