Upload File Endpoint
  • 04 Jan 2024
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Upload File Endpoint

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Article Summary

The Upload File is an endpoint in ProGet's Asset Directory API. It creates a new file in the asset directory, or overwrite an existing one. If specified, the Content-Type header will be stored for the file.

🚀 Quick Example: Uploading a file with Curl

This example uploads a file named log_data.bin from C:\ProGet, authenticating with the API key abc12345:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --header "X-ApiKey: abc12345" --data-binary "@C:\ProGet\log_data.bin" https://proget.corp.local/endpoints/internal-files/content/log_data.bin

This endpoint uses PUT, POST and PATCH requests. The endpoint behavior is determined by the request used:

  • PUT will only upload a file if it doesn't already exist
  • POST will create a file in the destination if it doesn't currently exist, or overwrite any existing file with the same name
  • PATCH will only upload the file if a file with the same name currently exists, overwriting it
Multi-part Upload: Large Files

There is also a Multipart Upload API that can be used for very large (2GB+) files.

Request Specification

To create or overwrite a file, PUT, POST or PATCH to the URL with the AssetDirectoryName and path to the file.

PUT/POST/PATCH /endpoints/«AssetDirectoryName»/content/«path_to_file»

If the request specifies a subfolder that does not currently exist, the subfolder will be created.

Uploading a new file requires the asset directory name (e.g. myAssetDirectory) and the file name (e.g. mycontent.bin)

PUT /endpoints/myAssetDirectory/content/mycontent.bin


Uploading a new file, or overwriting a currently existing file requires the asset directory name (e.g. myAssetDirectory) and the file name (e.g. mycontent.bin)

POST /endpoints/myAssetDirectory/content/mycontent.bin


Overwriting a currently existing file requires the asset directory name (e.g. myAssetDirectory) and the file name (e.g. mycontent.bin)

PATCH /endpoints/myAssetDirectory/content/example.txt


Response Specification

201 (Success)the file is saved to the asset directory
400 (File Already Exists)indicates that the file already exists
401 (Authentication Required)indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key

Sample Usage Scripts

Upload all files in a folder (Powershell)

This script uploads all files within a folder, C:\Proget\upload-files to a folder, uploaded, in an asset directory, internal-files:

This can be used when bulk uploading individual files located in a folder. For a more efficient solution of uploading a batch of files within an archive, use our Import Archive endpoint.

$apiKey = "a1b2c3d4e5"
$baseUrl = "https://proget.corp.local"
$assetdirectory = "internal-files"
$folder = "uploaded"
$localFolder = "C:\Proget\upload-files"

$headers = @{
    "Content-Type" = "application/octet-stream"
    "X-ApiKey" = $apiKey

Get-ChildItem -Path $localFolder | ForEach-Object {
    $fileName = $_.Name
    $apiEndpoint = "$baseUrl/$assetdirectory/content/$folder/$fileName"
    $fileContent = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($_.FullName)

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiEndpoint -Method Put -Headers $headers -Body $fileContent -ContentType "application/octet-stream"

    Write-Host "File '$fileName' uploaded to $apiEndpoint"

Example Output:

File 'assetcontent.bin' uploaded to https://proget.corp.local/endpoints/internal-files/content/uploaded/assetcontent.bin
File 'readme.txt' uploaded to https://proget.corp.local/endpoints/internal-files/content/uploaded/readme.txt
File 'logo.png' uploaded to https://proget.corp.local/endpoints/internal-files/content/uploaded/logo.png

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