Asset Directory API
  • 03 May 2024
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Asset Directory API

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Article Summary

The Asset Directory API provides simple RESTful access to files and folders in an asset directory. All API endpoints are accessed through the following base URL:


Asset Directories are represented internally in ProGet as Feeds, so Feed API keys can be used to authenticate to Asset Directories.

The Asset Directory API is comprised of endpoints for both files and folders:

📄 File Management

These endpoints are for directly managing the files located in the asset directory. They are designed to function like a standard web server, so hosted files can be accessed by simple GET requests with support for browser caching.

For managing very large (2GB+) files, please see our Multipart Upload API.

📁 Folder Management

These endpoints are for managing the folders located in the asset directory.

🔖 Metadata Management

The Metadata endpoints allow for reading or updating metadata on a file or folder. These endpoints were added in ProGet v6.0.0.

Authenticating to Asset Directory API Endpoints

The following is a summary of access types and their corresponding requirements for various API keys types and endpoints within this API.

Access TypeRequirements
System API KeysUse/Manage Feeds
Feed API KeysView/Download is required for all endpoints
Add/Repackage is required for uploading/importing endpoints
Overwrite/Delete is required for deletion endpoints
Personal API KeyFeeds_ViewFeed is required for all endpoints
Feeds_AddPackage is required for uploading/importing endpoints
Feeds_DeletePackage is required for deletion endpoints
No API Keyanonymous or authenticated user must have at least Feeds_ViewFeed

To specify an API Key, use the request header (X-ApiKey), querystring (key), or api:«api-key» as the username. See API Key Usage to learn more.

🚀 Quick Example: Authenticating with curl

For example, to authenticate with the API key abc12345 to the "List Folder" endpoint, you could specify the API key as follows:

curl -X GET --header "X-ApiKey: abc12345" "https://proget.corp.local/endpoints/internal-files/dir/"

Data Specifications

ItemData Object Attributes

ItemData is a set of key/value pairs that correspond to the properties an "item" (either a file or folder) within the Asset Directory. It's used as output data for the List Folder endpoint as a JSON-formatted object.

namestringcontains the local name of the item. This property does not include the full path.
parentstringcontains the full path of the parent directory of the item. This property does not include the name of the item itself. This property may be omitted if the item is contained in the root folder of the asset directory.
typestringcontains either the Content-Type of the the item, or the literal text dir if the item represents a subfolder.
contentstringcontains a full URL where this item can be downloaded.
createdstringcontains the UTC date of the original creation time of the item in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss).
modifiedstringcontains the UTC date of the last time of the item was updated in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss).
sizenumberspecifies the number of bytes in size of the item.
sha1stringcontains the SHA1 hash of the item.

The content, size, modified and sha1 properties are omitted if the item represents a folder.

JSON Object

  "name": "example.txt",
  "parent": "/documents",
  "type": "text/plain",
  "content": "https://proget.corp.local/endpoints/myAssetDirectory/content/documents/example.txt",
  "created": "2023-11-29T09:45:00",
  "modified": "2023-11-29T10:30:00",
  "size": 1024,
  "sha1": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0"

Metadata Object Attributes

Metadata is a set of key/value pairs that correspond to the properties of an item's (file or folder) metadata. It's used as output data for the Get Metadata Endpoint as a JSON-formatted object.

namestringcontains the local name of the item. This property does not include the full path.
parentstringcontains the full path of the parent directory of the item. This property does not include the name of the item itself. This property may be omitted if the item is contained in the root folder of the asset directory.
typestringcontains either the Content-Type of the the item, or the literal text dir if the item represents a subfolder.
contentstringcontains a full URL where this item can be downloaded.
createdstringcontains the UTC date of the original creation time of the item in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss).
modifiedstringcontains the UTC date of the last time of the item was updated in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss).
sizenumberspecified the number of bytes in size of the item.
sha1stringcontains the SHA1 hash of the item.
userMetadataobjectlists key/value pairs of user-defined metadata for the item.
cacheHeaderobjectcontains the type of caching used and the value configured. See cache header settings for more information.

The content, size, modified and sha1 properties are omitted if the item represents a subfolder.

JSON Object

  "name": "example.txt",
  "parent": "/documents",
  "type": "text/plain",
  "content": "https://proget.corp.local/endpoints/myAssetDirectory/content/documents/example.txt",
  "created": "2023-11-29T09:45:00",
  "modified": "2023-11-29T10:30:00",
  "size": 1024,
  "sha1": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0",
         userMetadata // userMetaData Object
  "cacheHeader": {
    "type": "TTL",
    "value": 30

MetadataUpdate Object Attributes

MetadataUpdate is a set of key/value pairs that correspond to the fields in a metadata update. It's used as input data for the Update Metadata Endpoint as a JSON-formatted object.

typestringcontains the new Content-Type of the the asset. Ignored for directories. If not specified, the Content-Type is not updated.
userMetadataobjectlists updated key/value pairs of user-defined metadata for the item.
userMetadataUpdateModestringcontains one of: update (create/update properties) or replace (create/update properties and delete missing values)
cacheHeaderobjectcontains two properties, type and value. If not specified, the Cache Header is not updated. (ex: { 'type': 'TTL', 'value': 30 }).

JSON Object

  "type": "application/json",
         userMetadata // userMetaData Object
  "userMetadataUpdateMode": "update",
        "type": "TTL",
        "value": 60

Cache Header Settings

See client-side caching for more information.

InheritInherit from parent folderValue is not needed
NoCacheDo not cache this itemValue is not needed
TTLLength in seconds to cache itemsInteger value (ex: 30)
CustomUse a custom Cache-Control header with the specified valueString value (ex: public, max-age=604800, immutable)

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